We live in an increasingly electromagnetic world, with wireless devices, power lines, and numerous other sources of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) surrounding us daily. While the long-term health impacts are still being studied, a growing body of research points to one key pathway by which EMFs may affect our cells – voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs).
VGCCs control the flow of calcium into our cells, which is vital for regulating processes like cell permeability and mineral/nutrient absorption. EMFs can overstimulate VGCCs, causing excessive calcium to flood into cells. This disrupts normal cellular communication, damages the calcium channels themselves, and activates oxidative stress pathways which can lead to DNA damage. Additionally, VGCCs play a central role in neuronal physiology by regulating important biological processes in the brain. EMFs can alter the electrophysiological properties of neurons by impacting VGCCs in complex ways. This can cause a cascade of mood and cognitive issues as neurons regulate levels of neurotransmitters.
There is evidence that blocking or inhibiting VGCCs can reduce or prevent many of these EMF-related effects. So if EMFs open the door for too much calcium, what can help close it?
The answer may lie in magnesium.
Magnesium is a calcium channel blocker that helps regulate calcium levels in the cell. Adequate magnesium allows VGCCs to function properly without being overwhelmed by excess calcium entry due to EMFs. By maintaining the integrity of the cell membrane, magnesium prevents the aforementioned negative impacts from excess calcium signaling.
Magnesium supplementation may offer a way to enhance protection against EMF exposures. The ideal approach is to ensure abundant magnesium intake from whole plant foods, especially green leafy vegetables.
You see, at the center of every chlorophyll molecule is a magnesium atom – nature’s built-in defense against disrupted calcium levels!
We already know that greenery and plants, especially trees play a role in reducing ambient man-made EMF levels simply by existing!
By supplying our cells with magnesium from consuming green plant sources, we provide a first line of defense against the potential effects of EMFs on our VGCCs and overall cellular health. As our electromagnetic exposures increase, again it is plants that appear to offer the support we require.
Beyond leafy greens, other foods which are rich in magnesium include dark chocolate, nuts, legumes, seeds, avocado, banana, quinoa, figs, black beans.
Of course, reducing EMF exposure whenever possible remains priority. But by enhancing our magnesium status through a nutrient-dense, plant-rich diet, we equip our cells with extra resilience against the modern electromagnetic bombardment. It’s an elegant solution that nature provided long before our new EMF challenges arose.
My name is Ash, and I have a special interest in supporting people who are EMF sensitive. If you need support with EMF sensitivity perhaps you would benefits from a consultation where we can discuss ways to support your health in this EMF bombarded environment!