We exist in a sea of electro-magnetic fields (EMFs). The Sun for example creates EMFs. It is however the non-native, man-made EMFs that are risky to our health, such as those produced by electronics, WiFi, mobile phones and smart meters.
Recent research suggests that heavy metal toxicity may actually increase your risk or worsen the symptoms of EMF sensitivity. This is an intriguing connection, as the symptoms of heavy metal toxicity are quite similar to those experienced by those who are hypersensitive to EMFs.
Heavy Metals
Heavy metals act as conductors within the body, which can amplify the absorption and effects of EMFs. If your body is burdened with high levels of heavy metals, it may essentially be turning you into a human antenna, making you more vulnerable to the impacts of EMFs.
Further, exposure to EMFs can cause heavy metals that are stored in tissues and organs to be released back into the bloodstream. This leads to increased circulation and toxic effects throughout the body.
Examples of this include:
- Stainless steel orthodontic appliances that contain nickel. Research has shown that EMF exposure from mobile phones (especially as they are placed against the side of the face) can lead to higher levels of nickel in the saliva of patients with these appliances. This is concerning, as 10-20% of the population is nickel sensitive. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ortho.2018.06.013]
- Mercury amalgam fillings. Studies have found that people with these fillings appear to have microleakages of mercury into their bodies, and that EMF exposure from sources like WiFi and phones can exacerbate this issue. [doi: 10.31661/jbpe.v0i0.2009-1175]
Blood-Brain Barrier
There are growing concerns that EMFs may actually increase the mobility and bioavailability of heavy metals, allowing them to cross the blood-brain barrier more easily and accumulate in the nervous system. This could have serious implications for neurological health and function.
The takeaway? It may be worth investigating your own levels of heavy metal levels if you suspect you may be experiencing EMF sensitivity.
My name is Ash, and I am a Perth naturopath with a special interest in supporting patients who are EMF sensitive. Is this is you? Perhaps together we can look into ways mitigate your EMF sensitivity. When you book a naturopathic appointment with me, we discuss you health and history in depth, and if required we can organise to have a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis performed to measure any heavy metals in your body. If you test positive for heavy metals, the good new is we can work towards slowly and safely removing those heavy metals from your body which will result in improved overall health!