If you’ve ever experienced that gnawing, burning sensation in your stomach, you know how miserable gastritis can be. The nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and abdominal pain from this inflammatory condition can make eating – one of life’s simple pleasures – seem more like a punishment.
Many doctors rush to prescribe acid-suppressing proton pump inhibitor (PPI) drugs for gastritis relief. But these meds often come with a host of side effects like intestinal infections, nutrient deficiencies, and even an increased risk of stomach cancer with long-term use. Definitely not ideal. The good news? There’s a better way to overcome gastritis through holistic, natural medicine. Instead of just masking symptoms, this approach aims to address the underlying causes and restore digestive health.
So What Causes Gastritis Anyway?
Gastritis involves inflammation of the stomach lining which can develop from a handful of culprits like:
- NSAID painkillers
- Excessive alcohol
- High stress levels
- H. pylori bacterial infection
- Autoimmune issues
- Food allergies/intolerances
While acute gastritis may be short-lived, chronic cases can lead to precancerous changes in the stomach lining if not properly treated.
When it comes to calming gastritis, nature’s medicine cabinet provides an array of effective remedies:
-Soothing Demulcents: Herbs like marshmallow root, slippery elm bark, and licorice root can coat and protect the inflamed stomach lining.
-Gentle Astringents: Meadowsweet to tighten the mucosa to accelerate healing.
-Anti-inflammatories: Chamomile, licorice, and chickweed reduce damaging inflammation.
-Digestion Enhancers: Bitters and carminative herbs like chamomile can stimulate proper digestion.
-Mucosal Repair: Nutrients like glutamine, zinc, vitamin C, and flavonoids help rebuild the stomach lining.
-Stress Management: Adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha can help counteract the damaging effects of chronic stress on the gut.
But it’s not just about popping pills or drinking herbal teas. A truly holistic gastritis protocol takes a whole-body approach.
-Diet: Avoiding inflammatory triggers like alcohol, fatty foods, and rushed eating. While emphasising easy-to-digest, nutrient-dense meals.
-Stress : Mind-body techniques like breathwork, meditation, counseling and yoga to cultivate relaxation.
By combining traditional herbal wisdom, targeted nutrients, an anti-inflammatory diet and healthy lifestyle practices, you can find lasting freedom from gastritis – no risky meds required. Work with me and let’s design your personalised healing plan together!