Allow my medical astrology reading to unlock secrets to your health and wellbeing. Your cosmic blueprint reveals insights into your body’s unique strengths and vulnerabilities. Recieve personalised lifestyle suggestions and holistic remedies to enhance your health, guided by the stars.
What Is Medical Astrology + Pricing
- Medical astrology, also known as “health astrology”
- Medical astrology readings are based on an ancient medical system utilising the precise positions of celestial bodies at the exact time and place of a person’s birth to gain insight into health tendencies, strengths, and vulnerabilities.
- It is a tool that can compliment modern medicine by providing a deeper understanding of an individual’s unique constitution.
Explore your free birth chart with the birth chart calculator .
What Does The Birthhchart Reveal?
The birth chart highlights areas of vitality in the body and places that may require support. Using this information, specific lifestyle adjustments, holistic remedies, or targeted therapies can be selected to boost resiliency where it’s needed most. Medical astrology readings can provide insight around chronic issues and guidance on maintaining optimal wellbeing.
Think of your birth chart as an owner’s manual for your body-mind complex. Medical astrology helps translate that manual into a health optimisation plan aligned with your intrinsic makeup written in the stars. It has the potential to be an illuminating resource for prevention and healing on the most personal level.
$180 per chart analysis – Your lifetime tool for health and wellbeing
What’s Included:
- Approximately 3 hours goes into analysing your chart & writing up the analysis
- A printable PDF of your natal chart
- Analysis including your dominant elements and modes with explanation
- Detailed discussion of strengths and weaknesses in your constitutional makeup
- Identification of particular areas of health that require attention
- If you share an ongoing/chronic health issue, I try identify responsible astrological placements that may be driving it and ways to remedy.
- A list of ways to support certain planets in your chart that could cause issues
- Recommendations on how to balance your elements
- 15- 30 minute phone call or in-person discussion to answer questions
Please ensure you have birth time, date and location. I can still perform chart analysis without the birth time, however it will result in a less detailed reading as we won’t know your ascendant or how the houses line up.
Explore your free birth chart with the birth chart calculator .