The Stages of Menopause as Understood Through Medical Astrology

Let’s explore the celestial transits all women experience that mark the passage into the next phase of life – revolution, healing, reflection, rebirth. There are 3 major planetary transits that occur from your early 40’s to later 50’s:
Uranus Opposition (at approx age 41)
At around 41 years old, Uranus forms an opposition (180-degree angle) to where it was at your birth. This often coincides with the “mid-life crisis” beginning. You may feel rebellious or wish to abruptly change things to try and return to a more youthful self. It’s not uncommon to see major life changes at this stage – divorces, career shifts, reinventing oneself. Uranus rules the nervous system and is erratic and electrical in nature. Women may begin experiencing issues around sleep, waking at night, hot flushes. Moods can shift abruptly as nerves feel jangled. This often signals the start of perimenopause. Embracing change gracefully can enable navigating this transition more smoothly.
Chiron Return (at approx age 50)
At 50 years approximately, the asteroid Chiron returns to where it was in the skies at the time of your birth. This signals a time to revisit wounds, unresolved issues and attempt healing to use the wisdom productively. By 50 many women are in menopause, forcing reconsideration of overall health amidst hormonal changes. Do genetic predispositions to health issues now require attention? This necessitates self-examination – addressing wounds previously ignored when life was busier. May the Chiron return facilitate deep spiritual and inner change – becoming the wise woman who can aid others with her learning.
Saturn Return (at approx age 58)
Accountability, discipline and responsibility are Saturnian themes. Saturn rules karma and challenges those who’ve shirked duty or neglected their health. Tests or obstacles may present themselves.Saturn governs bones, calcium and parathyroid glands. Inadequate nutrition impacting skeletal integrity will manifest now if not properly cared for. Risk of osteoporosis escalates in post-menopausal women – a classic Saturnian ailment.The investments made (or not) in your health over the past 28 years culminates now. It’s never too late for positive change. The Saturn return reminds us we reap what has been sown earlier.
There are three major celestial events we all must navigate during this time of our lives. Navigating these astrological milestones consciously allows women to embrace menopause as a rite of passage – an opportunity for revolution, reflection, and rebirth rather than just an ending. We can gain wisdom during this metamorphosis into the next stage of feminine power. The choices made now impact not only our future selves but also how we may guide others with the wisdom gained from this initiation.