Endometriosis, a complex women’s health condition, significantly disrupts the lives of those affected. On the surface, it involves the growth of uterine tissue outside the uterus, causing severe pelvic pain and fertility issues. However, this condition is more intricate, involving the nervous, immune, and endocrine systems, with potential bacterial involvement in its pathogenesis.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) views endometriosis as a stagnation of blood flow in the pelvis, either due to sluggish flow or blockage. TCM also attributes endometriosis to stagnation of Liver Qi (life force energy), strongly linked to emotional disharmony such as anger, depression, rage, and unfulfilled desires. The stagnation can be of a damp-heat nature (patterns of dampness, heat, blood stagnation) or cold-damp nature (patterns of dampness and coldness, which is slow-moving), both leading to pain and discomfort. From a TCM perspective, treating endometriosis requires an appropriate amount of Qi flowing through the body.
As a naturopath, I engage an energetic perspective in my holistic treatment of patients with endometriosis, acknowledging a stagnation of energy in the pelvic region. From the perspective of chakra theory, I primarily focus on the orange, sacral chakra (svadisthana).
One effective way to begin moving stagnant pelvic energy is through physical movement. Yoga offers significant benefits for women with endometriosis, as it increases mind-body connection, reduces stress, and provides exercise – all associated with improvements in endometriosis symptoms.
Here are six divine yoga postures I recommend for helping women with endometriosis:
Malasana (Garland Pose): This gentle yet deep pelvic stretch engages and stretches your lower back, hips, and thighs, bringing circulation to the pelvis.

Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby): This hip-opening posture brings circulation to the pelvis and groin, engages the pelvic floor, and stretches the hamstrings.

Supta Baddha Konasana (Restorative Goddess Pose): This pose helps calm the nervous system while encouraging circulation and flow through the pelvis and groin. Do this posture lying back on a yoga mat or comfortable rug.

Seated Torso Circles: Whilst seated, hands on knees, slide ribcage to the side, the push belly down and chin forward, then come around push the ribcage out to the other side, then inhale and slouch, chin ticked in. Essentially you are rotating from your girdle. This practice engages the energies in the lower body and encourages their flow upwards.

Mandukasana (Frog Pose): This posture can be intense and may bring forth emotional responses when held for extended periods (such as in yin yoga). It deeply opens the groin and inner thighs to allow energy to flow through the lower pelvic area and upper inner thighs.

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes): This juicy twist stimulates your internal organs. While not directly addressing endometriosis, it alleviates tension and nourishes the liver.

Incorporating these yoga poses into your regular routine can help manage endometriosis symptoms by promoting energy flow, reducing tension, and fostering a deeper mind-body connection. However, it’s essential to listen to your body and practice with care, especially during menstruation or when experiencing pain.
Remember, yoga is just one component of a holistic approach to managing endometriosis. Combining these practices with proper medical care, nutrition, stress management, and other lifestyle modifications can lead to significant improvements in your overall well-being.
As you embark on this journey of healing and self-discovery through yoga, be patient and gentle with yourself. Each woman’s experience with endometriosis is unique, and finding the right combination of treatments and practices may take time. Trust in your body’s wisdom and its ability to heal, and let yoga be a nurturing tool in your path towards balance and wellness.