5G represents the latest leap in wireless network technology, following the evolutionary path from 1G to 2G, then 3G and 4G, now arriving at 5G. With its capability to handle data traffic a thousand times greater than its predecessor and deliver connectivity ten times faster, 5G promises to propel us further into the era of global connectivity and digital transformation. This advancement supports the burgeoning Internet of Things, ultra-fast computing for AI development, and myriad other technology-driven innovations shaping our increasingly digital lives. It sounds promising, doesn’t it?
However, achieving this heightened wireless network capacity necessitates an expansion of the current frequency range, stretching from 6 gigahertz (GHz) all the way up to 30-300GHz. Such a significant increase in frequency is fundamental to realising the full potential of 5G.
Yet, as 5G deployment progresses, concerns about its potential health effects emerge. Individuals are becoming increasingly aware of electromagnetic field (EMF) sensitivity, and the proliferation of 5G towers raises fair concerns about heightened exposure to EMFs. Unlike its predecessor, 5G relies on numerous smaller cellular communication towers, making it harder to avoid proximity to these sources of radiation.
Moreover, the higher frequency millimeter waves utilised by 5G technology raise further concerns about potential harm to biological tissue, including humans, plants, and animals. Given the known adverse effects of current EMF-emitting technologies on human health, the introduction of a more powerful, higher frequency wireless technology warrants concern, even alarm. In essence, we may inadvertently be exposing ourselves to microwave radiation. See my other blog posts for information on how EMFs affect our health!
Now, more than ever, it is crucial to fortify our health against the potential impacts of these frequencies. Prioritising strategies such as magnesium supplementation, spending time in nature, maintaining a diet rich in micronutrients, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory foods becomes imperative. By safeguarding our health, we can better protect ourselves from the invisible forces unleashed by the rapid expansion of 5G networks driven by governments and corporations.
My name is Ash, and I am a Perth naturopath with a special interest in supporting patients who are EMF sensitive. If you are concerned about EMF exposure and your health, or you are EMF sensitive and desire to reduce the deleterious effects EMFs have upon your body, get in touch!