Tag: supplements
Thyroid Dysfunction and Gastrointestinal Health
As a naturopath, more often than not, I encounter patients dealing with a complex web of interconnected health concerns. One such area that has garnered increasing attention in recent years is the relationship between thyroid function, gastrointestinal (GI) health, and nutrient imbalances.
Protecting Yourself Against EMF Radiation with Natural Supplements & Herbal Medicine
If you are someone who feels sensitive to EMFs, there are certain supplements that may help support your body’s resilience and mitigate potential effects. Here are just a few of the supplements/herbs that may be of benefit.
Navigating the Supplement Maze. The Pitfalls of Self-Prescribing vs. Professional Guidance
In the quest for optimal health, many individuals turn to supplements to address specific concerns or boost their well-being. However, the journey into self-prescribing supplements comes with its own set of challenges and potential pitfalls. As a degree qualified Naturopath, I believe in the power and safety of professionally prescribed supplements, and here’s why.