Medical Astrology provides us with a treasure trove of information about ones health. In this blog I’d like to briefly discuss the 6th house, what it represents and how you can examine your 6th house to see where you can best support your health through attending to your own health needs on a daily basis!
The 6th house in Medical Astrology (I’m not covering “regular” astrology) traditionally represents the house of sickness. So yes, sometimes we can see illness here, or a body area that requires more support than others. However, the modern interpretation of this house is more about meticulous self-examination, attending to your daily requirements to maintain health, being of service and duty to yourself and self-betterment.
Let’s break that down a little.
Virgo is the traditional ruler of the 6th house. Virgo represents the, small intestines, pancreas, and functions of assimilation of nutrients, the autonomic nervous system. Virgo discriminates and then assimilates (digestion). Virgo by nature is pedantic, hardworking, critical, rigorous and diligent. Thus, the 6th house by nature has this type of energy which is why it is connected to our daily habits (which we cannot become lazy with) and our overall health. Hippocrates claimed that “all disease begins in the gut” which truly resonates with the Virgo, ruler of the 6th house representing health and illness.
What to look for in your chart? If you get a chance, find an astrology chart generator online and generate your birth chart. (I’m a fan of astro.com).
What sign is at the beginning of the 6th house cusp? This sign that sits on the demarcation between the 5th and 6th house is the ruler of your 6th house.
Look to the 6th house which I’ve pointed out in the example below with a red arrow. I circled the sign on the 6th house cusp in red.
In the example below, the 6th house is ruled by Aquarius, as Aquarius is the sign on the 6th house cusp.

This sign on the cusp of the 6th house holds hints as to the nature of your requirements around daily routine and habits you need to cultivate (if you haven’t already) to best support your health overall (to avoid ailments), types of therapies that are well suited to you, and how well you digest, assimilate and absorb your food and nutrients.
Below I’ll list the signs, and if they’re on the 6th house cusp how they generally may relate to you.
Aries – Eat slower. Enjoy cooling foods, copper rich vegetables. Balance with iron rich foods (Iron is ruled by Mars, the plentary ruler of Aries). Avoid stimulants. Headaches are common due to overstimulaion. Regular rest balanced with rigorous exercise. Muscle and strength training. Rosemary is a great herb as it supports blood flow to the brain (Aries rules the head), is a carminative (helps reduce discomfort from fast eating and fast digestion), and is a mild sedative (Aries is GO GO GO).
Taurus– Eating in moderation. Enjoy regular, moderate exercise. Go easy on the rich and sweet foods. Be mindful and enjoy foods. Bitter herbs support liver and gallbladder to help digestion and reduce cholesterol levels, gall stone formation, bile flow, regular bowel movements. Regular consumption of iodine rich foods. High fibre diet. Herbs such as dandelion root and gentian are well indicated to support digestion.
Gemini– Chew slowly. Try to relax when eating. Hydration is important. Keeping warm. Spending time in nature. Animal proteins to ground and fortify the body, support iron levels. Lungs can be dry – mositening herbs like marshmallow can reduce this through reflex action via the gut. Being social is important to overall wellbeingl Enjoy fennel tea to reduce digestive discomfort from trapped air.
Cancer – Be careful to not emotionally eat. Mindfulness and meditation to reduce worry. Surround yourself with people who can gently support you. Go gentle on yourself. Adequate time to themselves. Time in the bath, ocean or shower is very nourishing for this water sign. Enjoy well cooked, warm foods. Chamomile tea to gentle nurture and relax.
Leo – Don’t over do it! Your blood pressure will suffer. Go gently to avoid burnout. Spend time in the Sun. Engage in creative pursuits to nurture your nervous system and overall wellbeing. Red meat is well indicated for overall health (like the Lion’s diet!). Herbs like ginseng match the gusto of Leo whilst also supporting the adrenals and energy balance.
Virgo – Chew foods slowly. Relax when eating to reduce intestinal spasm. A very clean diet avoiding any digestive irritants. High fibre diet to avoid constipation, support microbiome and intestinal health. Regular routine every day. Having good boundaries, ability to say no to others. Does well with carminative herbs such as fennel, chamomile, lemon balm to reduce intestinal spasm.
Libra – Be careful with sugar intake. A highly alkalising diet is beneficial. Adequate water intake. Regularly spending time with friends helps retain equilibrium of health and wellness. Not overdoing it – tendency to adrenal exhaustion. Herbal adaptogens such as Ashwagandha are well indicated to help maintain balance and support adrenals.
Scorpio– High fibre diets to cleanse the colon of toxins. Proper emotional support and ways to release emotional issues (kinesiology, energy medicine). Sauna to encourage sweating and detoxification. Under appropriate supervision- fasting is beneficial, elimination diets. Avoiding all intoxicants in general. Green juices and lemon water to support detoxification. Herbs such as Nettle leaf as well indicated for their depurative properties and iron content (Scorpio traditionally a Martian sign- Mars rules iron!).
Sagittarius – Regular outdoor exercise, especially exercise that uses the legs a lot! Surround oneself with people who have a positive attitude. Horse riding is very therapeutic. Diet should be grains, greens and meat. Be mindful of excessive eating and overindulgence. Due to predisposition to gout – reduce foods such as alcohol, cheeses. All things in moderation, as Sag in the 6th can be prone to burning out or being too reckless. Dandelion root is well indicated when there is a tendency to overindulge in rich foods, and saffron as a delightful all-rounder well aligned with Sag energy.
Capricorn – Warmth, happy company to combat tendency towards being cold and melancholic. Alkaline foods to reduce risk of gout or other rheumatic issues. Circulatory support in the form of adequate liquids, exercise and warming foods (ginger, turmeric, spice). Regular fibre to support bowel movements. Gentle strength training to support bone density. Herbs such as Oats seed (or eating oatmeal) are great to combat melancholy, provides nutrients (Cap in the 6th can indicate need for building nutrients), and is good topically for skin conditions (Capricorn rules the skin).
Aquarius – Foods that support the circulation such as chilli, onion, ginger, and foods that build the blood such as red meat, iron rich foods. Support the nervous system with foods that contain good fats like nuts, avocado, seeds. Is requiring proper electrolyte balance. Manage stress and anxiety. I have seen mitochondria dysfunction with Aquarius on the 6th, causing issues with energy, and EMF sensitivity – so avoid man-made radiation (electronics) as much as possible. Energy work (kinesiology, reiki) may be well indicated to help the natural biorhythms and chakras (aquarian ruled) stay in balance. Herbs that are blood tonics or nervines are recommended, such as blood building, moistening liquorice (watch for the blood pressure though), and lavender to soothe the nervous system.
Pisces– Proper hydration to move the lymphatics and support the immune system. Time away from others – building boundaries. Adequate sleep and time in the dream realm. Avoidance of intoxicants, drugs and alcohol. Time in the sun to warm them up and provide vitamin D to support their immune system. Keep feet warm. High seafood diet – omegas, fish, seaweeds. Grounding root vegetables. Proper protein intake to support the immune system. Iron intake for immune support. Pisces in the 6th can be prone to overeating – must watch for this.
Does any of that resonate with your 6th house ruler?
Remember, Astrology is an art and science. It can be marvellously simple, and excruciatingly complex at the same time. The above suggestions and advice are given only for the purpose of allowing the reader to look inward and consider how to best support themselves based on their natal astrological chart. There are other aspects of one’s astrology chart that are indicators of health also, and needs to be considered in it’s full context and entirety to truly be reflective of ones health and constitution.
My name is Ash, and I am a Kalamunda, Perth Hills naturopath who also studies medical astrology!
If you’ve found this interesting and want to know more about your own health and constitution through the lens of medical astrology, book in for a medical astrology reading!
The information provided is not to be taken as medical advice and should not replace your regular health care.