Did you know the foods we eat don’t just nourish our physical bodies, but our spiritual and energetic selves as well? The vibrations and life force of the foods we consume can have profound impacts on our auras, chakras, and overall energy levels.
Let’s start with fresh fruits and vegetables. These plant-based foods are brimming with bioelectric energy, especially when consumed very fresh. The vibrant life force within them is fantastic for cultivating spiritual practices and raising our personal vibrations. However, a purely vegan or vegetarian diet can sometimes leave us feeling ungrounded if not balanced with denser, more earthly foods. This is where root vegetables come in. As their name suggests, these starchy delights like potatoes, carrots, and beets grow in the earth itself, making them some of the most grounding plant-based foods. Nuts are similarly grounding due to their density, protein content and minerals, as are legumes.
For those not following a vegetarian path, animal proteins are some of the most grounding foods of all. As building blocks of physical existence, they can be very stabilising and healing for our energy bodies. They quite literally ground us in our physical reality. Let’s not forget dairy products either. As the food of the mother, dairy is associated with nurturing energy. Many crave dairy when they are needing comfort or motherly love, as it breaks down into opioid-like molecules that bind to receptors for pleasure and comfort. Dairy is also a grounding food as it comes from the Cow, a very grounded, earthy creature. In general, grounding foods support our physical bodies through providing the building blocks (proteins) or energy (B vitamins, carbs, minerals).
On the other hand, alcohol has the opposite effect of detaching our spirit from our physical selves. The more we drink, the more our energetic bodies can become detatched from the physical body, leaving us open to negative spiritual influences if we’re not careful. We’ve all seen the drunk person with “shark eyes”- they’re probably not residing in their body at that time.
Have you ever noticed how colourful and vibrant many healthy foods are? It’s as if Mother Nature has color-coded them for us based on their energetic properties. Green foods like broccoli, salad greens, and green beans resonate with the heart chakra, supporting self-love, compassion, and cardiovascular health. Working on fertility or reproductive health? Orange foods like sweet potatoes, mangos and turmeric contain nutrients that energetically balance the sacral chakra and reproductive organs/hormones. Spiritual growth? Try some purple sweet potato or purple onion.A nd so it goes on.
The foods we eat feed not just our bodies, but our spiritual selves too. Certain foods can support, open and heal each of our chakras based on their colour, vibration, and nutrients. Be conscious about using food as spiritual medicine. Eat for both physical and energetic nourishment.